首页 > 2020第3期 > 规划师论坛 > 西雅图大都市区空间协同发展思路及其启示


王智勇,李 纯,王纪武,刘合林   2020-04-22 16:38:13

[摘 要]大都市区是当今世界承载发展要素的主要空间形式之一。美国拥有大都市区研究与实践的良好基础,中国在都市圈内部协同方面还较为欠缺。西雅图大都市区在空间的协同发展及产业的创新发展方面处于领先水平,其经验值得借鉴。文章结合西雅图大都市区协同发展的相关规划与实践,探讨能有效促进全方位协同的思路与策略,以及对中国大都市区建设的启示。研究表明,西雅图大都市区在面对人口集聚与增长的挑战时,采用了空间组织、产业分工和创新驱动的应对策略。在研究基础上,文章建议将西雅图大都市区的经验应用于中国大都市区建设,尤其是与西雅图具有相似性的沿海都市区,其协同发展可以参考与借鉴西雅图的经验。
[文章编号]1006-0022(2020)03-0017-07 [中图分类号]TU981 [文献标识码]B

Spatial Coordination and Innovative Development in the Seattle Metropolitan Area/Wang Zhiyong, Li Chun, Wang Jiwu, Liu Helin
[Abstract] The metropolitan area is one of the main spatial forms for carrying out socioeconomic development in the world today. China's metropolitan areas still commonly lack coordination among their constituent jurisdictions. In comparison, the United States of America has a long tradition of research and practice in metropolitan development and governance. The Seattle Metropolitan Area is a good example of coordinated spatial development, which has been effectively supporting its innovative development of the high-tech industry. This article draws from the experience of planning for coordinated development of the Seattle Metropolitan Area, explores ideas and strategies that can serve as useful references for the development of China's metropolitan areas. The Seattle metropolitan area has implemented and integrated the strategies of spatial planning, industrial specialization, and technological innovation when facing the challenges of population increase and urban growth. Based on research, we suggest that China learn from the experience of the Seattle Metropolitan Area in developing its metropolitan areas. Especially China’s coastal metropolitan areas that have similarity with Seattle, can benefit from studying the coordinated development of the Seattle Metropolitan Area.
[Key words]  Metropolitan area, Spatial collaboration, Innovative development, Inspiration, Seattle


17世纪伦敦就已初步形成了都市圈的结构,而1944年颁布的《大伦敦规划》(Greater London Plan)则奠定了伦敦都市圈强核心圈层式扩张的结构模式。之后,为了客观描述城市化不同阶段的统计学特征,以人口和行政单元为基础,美国于1910年最早提出“大都市区”(Metropolitan District)的概念(1990年开始采用“Metropolitan Area”的表述)。1951年,日本学者木内信藏提出“三地带学说”,认为大城市圈层是由中心地域、城市的周边地域和市郊外缘区域组成的。同期,日本借鉴美国的大都市区定量化思路,提出东京都市圈规划(包括东京都及神奈川、千叶、埼玉三县)。目前,我国的都市圈规划主要由省(市)级政府组织编制,见诸报道的有太原、哈尔滨、杭州、济南、青岛、合肥、武汉、成都、西安、兰州、乌鲁木齐等都市圈及江苏省苏锡常、徐州、南京3个都市圈规划。虽然我国都市圈规划面积大多在3万~6万平方千米,但实际核心区域却与西方都市圈范围相近。因此,在相同尺度背景下,西方城市区域发展的过程、特征与规律对我国有一定的借鉴意义。


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